2011年8月10日 星期三

伦敦骚乱加剧 范围扩大

來源:【华尔街日报 中文网】2011-08-09



冲突还延伸到了伦敦以外:在英国第二大城市伯明翰,警方说市中心有几处商店遭袭,一些橱窗被打碎、财物失窃,他们逮捕了一些人。据美联社(Associated Press)报道,英国北方城市利物浦的警方还宣布爆发了互无关联的骚乱事件,一些汽车被点燃,还有建筑物受到攻击。


面对烧毁的汽车、焦黑的建筑和破碎的商店橱窗留下的痕迹,伦敦代理警察局长戈德温(Tim Godwin)不得不恳请家长们叫自己的孩子回家,一方面是为了清理街道,另一方面也是为了限制抢掠行为。英国首相卡梅伦(David Cameron)缩短了在意大利的假期以应对危机。





一些Twitter账户转发了通过黑莓(Blackberry)设备发送的即时消息,这些消息似乎是骚乱者的行动计划。黑莓生产商Research in Motion的一位管理人员说,这家加拿大公司向英国当局保证以任何力所能及的方式提供协助。

London Riots Intensify and Spread

Police struggled to contain a third night of rioting and rampant looting that ricocheted from one neighborhood to another Monday after a community protest over a police shooting here exploded into Britain's worst outbreak of social unrest in at least a decade.

In the span of 48 hours, the violence spread haphazardly across London, mostly through economically challenged, mixed-race areas that have sometimes been plagued by high unemployment and tensions with police.

The strife also moved beyond London: In Birmingham, the U.K.'s second-largest city, police said they made a number of arrests after several shops in the city center were attacked, with some windows smashed and property stolen. Police also reported 'isolated outbreaks of disorder,' including vehicles set ablaze and buildings attacked in the northern city of Liverpool, according to the Associated Press.

In London, masked looters plundered stores and burned buildings, often without police officers or firefighters in sight. As the night wore on, London's police force seemed outnumbered in clashes with rioters and simply absent from some major looting incidents. Huge quantities of goods were toted away.

The trail of burned cars, charred buildings and smashed windows prompted London's acting police commissioner, Tim Godwin, to implore parents to call their children home, both to clear the streets and limit the looting. Prime Minister David Cameron cut short a holiday to Italy to address the crisis.

The riots exploded late Saturday in reaction to the police shooting of a local man, and continued sporadically on Sunday. But they gained powerful new force Monday afternoon, pushing the country into its worst stretch of violence since rioting during the mid-1990s and a series of mainly race-related riots in the 1980s. Britons debated whether the events were sparked by harsh economic climate, allegedly heavy-handed policing or just opportunistic criminality.

By early Monday evening, police in riot gear were battling fires, looting and hooded street fighters in a growing list of locations, mostly in poorer, minority neighborhoods of London's northeast and southeast. By late evening, vandals with bats and pipes moved into more affluent neighborhoods including Camden and Chalk Farm.

Downing Street said Mr. Cameron would return from Italy to Britain, where he will lead a meeting of the COBRA, a committee of Britain's top security, emergency service and government officials that meets to react to civil emergencies, such as terrorist attacks or natural disasters.

As the sporadic violence careened around the British capital less than one year before Britain hosts the Olympics, law-enforcement officials said they were closely monitoring social-networking sites to determine if they were being used to incite or organize violence.

Some Twitter accounts quoted instant messages on Blackberry devices that appeared to show rioters planning action. An executive at Research in Motion, the device's maker, said the Canadian firm was 'engaged with the [British] authorities to assist in any way we can.'

If true, the use of social media in fomenting unrest will have moved from the nations of the Arab Spring to the streets of one of the world's most developed nations. Police monitored the sites for intelligence.

Alistair MacDonald / Guy Chazan
倫敦暴動 無政府主義掛帥

















倫敦若罕普頓大學(Roehampton Universty)社會學者包爾(Nina Power)指出,據經濟合作開發組織(OECD),英國是已開發國家中,社會流動程度最差的國家。她認為,個人主義加上自私自利,英國早已擁有已開發國家中最不公平的社會,「一個自認為民主的國家,爆發如此大型的社會動亂,不是沒有原因。」

《金融時報》專欄作家艾爾斯(Harry Eyres)也認為,沒有人會真正把引爆這次事件、被警擊斃的黑幫份子當英雄,「這些人只是在等待一個藉口,讓不滿的情緒,發洩出來。」他認為,英國這次暴動,背負著巨大的社會憤怒和價值觀的問題。經濟不景氣加上社會暴亂,此次大暴動,令許多英國人覺得悲哀,但有更多人認為這是一大警惕,迫使英國朝野重新檢視這個生了重病的社會。
